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Shield Diesel Injector Cleaner 350ml SH211

SKU: SHI2312


296 in stock

296 in stock



Diesel injector cleaner is a fuel additive designed for diesel engines to improve the performance and longevity of the diesel fuel system. Cleans fuel injectors and assists to remove deposits, ensuring proper fuel delivery and combustion. Protects against deposit build-up and oxidation. Dispenses water and condensation due to temperature fluctuations and environmental conditions, preventing potential issues related to water contamination. Prevents rust and corrosion in the fuel system. Enhanced lubrication for fuel pumps and injectors, reducing wear and tear and improving their overall efficiency. Cleaner helps to achieve exacting and consistent fuel spray patterns during injection, resulting in improved combustion and fuel efficiency. Adding the recommended amount to your fuel tank during refueling will mix with the diesel during normal engine operation.


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